Reservoir of soapy water at the top, needle valve to control flow, monofilament line forms the rails. Solution is collected at the bottom and pumped back to the top.
<img src='img/overall.jpg' height=450px>
<img src='img/tank.jpg' height=450px>
I first tried single color power LEDs to see interference fringes. I didn't observe very clear fringes. Then I switched to a low-pressure sodium lamp. I saw very clear fringes.
<img src='img/lps-warmup.jpg' height=220px>
<img src='img/first-fringes.jpg' height=220px>
I need to fix the flicker from the ballast for my low pressure sodium lamp.
### Experiments
<img src='img/wave-generator.jpg' height=450px>
[thread free oscillation](
[thread driven oscillation](
[driven protoflapping membrane](